HOW DO I MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A DENTAL VISIT? We have 4 ways for you to book for an appointment with us. Please click BOOK NOW and choose an option to get in touch with us. We shall reply via phone call, sms or email to confirm your appointment. Appointments will be reconfirmed a week and a day prior to the day of the visit to ensure that circumstances remain unchanged. We shall send you a New Patient Form via email to fill in and send back to use also via email or even by sms or on the day of your appointment to proceed with the set-up of your Patient account. We will also request a copy of the patient's:
Current medical history summary
Medications chart
Advanced care directive, Behavioural support plan, Oral and dental care plan (if available)
We may need to contact you or your medical practitioner/s for further information to assist with treatment planning. We require a duly signed consent form from NOK or assigned medical and financial decision makers for patients who are unable to handle their own affairs or a resident in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF). Please refer to our COVID-19page for other essential information on dental appointments with us.
WHAT FACILITIES DO YOU NEED ON THE DAY OF THE DENTAL VISIT? We require 30 minutes to set up our clinical area at your location. We need a free parking space in close proximity to your home, centre or facility for easy access and to facilitate the loading and unloading equipments. A clean room, adequate space with privacy, electrical outlet, bench space and access to nearby tap water will assist a smooth dental operation. For special needs or RACFs, we require staff assistance to locate the patient, reposition the patient if necessary and provide any further information or help as needed. We bring our mobile dental chair but a tilt and recline wheelchair, high back arm chair or adjustable bed for some patients will also be suitable.
ARE YOUR FEES HIGHER THAN WHAT A FIXED DENTAL CLINIC CHARGES? Our fees follow the Australian Dental Association Fee Schedule and on par with peer dental care and service providers. We require a New Patient Fee of $15 which is a one-off charge to cover costs to integrate the New Patient into Wellness Mobile Dental Care consent and administrative system such as medical history and medication review, postage and communication.
WHAT HAPPENS ON THE INITIAL CONSULTATION? Please be guided by our COVID-19 page to help provide safe dental care to all our patients. The initial consultation will normally include:
a review of the medical, dental and social history of the patient
oral health assessment
a report outlining your dental condition, preventive care advice or oral health regimen, treatment plan, referral pathways if required and risks and treatment quotes
discussion of the above report and oral health instructions with the patient or carers and relevant medical and financial decision makers (if present or available via phone call) if patient is a resident in an RACF and suitability of teeth whitening procedure if initially desired
documentation of the consultation in the patient’s progress notes in the RACF
cleaning of the teeth
application of topical remineralising agents
oral health education and instruction or group sessions for family, child care centre and corporate bookings
The patient, parent, medical or financial decision maker will be asked to sign off on the treatment plan and quote discussed. If the patient has behavioural issues and difficulty in opening mouth during the initial consultation, it may not be possible to fully assess the oral health status and determine treatment needs until after treatment has commenced.
HOW DOES IN-CHAIR TEETH WHITENING WORK? This light-activated whitening procedure is completed in a single dental visit for 1.5 hours or 90 minutes. Results can be observed and seen straight away. After an oral health assessment, your cheeks will be retracted and gums will be protected from the bleaching agent. The teeth whitening gel will be applied to your teeth in stages which will be activated using a curing light. Gel will be removed and teeth will be rinsed. This procedure will be repeated until desired shade is achieved. The shade result will be recorded and compared from initial assessment. Desensitising tooth cream will be applied. to your teeth and gums after the treatment to minimise or eliminate any teeth sensitivity. No rinsing with water for an hour after treatment. Please TAKE NOTE of instruction below on how to keep a longer lasting whitened teeth.
CAN AN IN-CHAIR WHITENING PROCEDURE COME RIGHT AFTER A HYGIENE APPOINTMENT ON THE SAME DAY? No. Gums needs to settle after a dental hygiene appointment. Teeth whitening can be scheduled a week after and not later than 2 months after a dental hygiene appointment.
HOW DOES TAKE-HOME TEETH WHITENING WORK? Our dental practitioner will take an impression of your teeth during your dental check-up and cleaning appointment. We shall set another appointment for you to issue your teeth whitening kit and custom-made teeth bleaching trays. We shall take photos of your teeth to compare with the outcome of your Take-Home teeth whitening treatment which is completed within 2 weeks or 14 days. It is essential that you floss and brush your teeth prior to commencing your teeth whitening procedure at home. ONLY a match head amount of teeth whitening gel is placed onto the 8-10 facial surfaces of yours trays and then worn overnight or 1.5hours before bedtime. Excessive amount placed on trays will overflow to the gumline which will cause sensitivity. Once treatment is completed for the night, rinse mouth and brush teeth without tooth paste. Thoroughly rinse, clean with soapy water and dry trays to be ready for next use until 2 week treatment is over. Apply a toothpaste for sensitive teeth or a tooth cream on teeth and gums in case of sensitivity during treatment. Please give us a call for any concerns or queries. Please TAKE NOTE of instruction below on the diet required while on Take Home teeth whitening treatment to ensure that optimum result of the procedure is achieved. Contact us to book for an appointment to check the outcome of your home teeth whitening treatment and we shall take photos of your teeth to record the progress of your treatment.
HOW CAN I KEEP A LONGER LASTING WHITENED TEETH? In most cases, teeth whitening can last from 6 months up to 2 years. Your brighter smile after teeth whitening whether In-Chair or at home will not last long if you don't look after your teeth. AVOID or minimise sources of highly staining food and drinks such as black tea, green tea, red wine, pomegranate, spaghetti bolognese, curries, turmeric, berries and coloured juice drinks for the NEXT 5 DAYS after your In-Chair teeth whitening treatment or DURING your Take-Home teeth whitening procedure and 5 DAYS after the completion of your treatment. Quit smoking to minimise staining of your teeth. This habit is also harmful to your general health and wellbeing. You may refer to theSmoking Cessation we offer for more information. Drink plenty of tap water. Floss regularly and brush teeth gently but thoroughly twice daily after breakfast and before bedtime. Contact us to book your regular dental visits twice a year to help prevent complex dental problems. Prevention of oral diseases is at the heart of our services at Wellness Mobile Dental Care.
WHAT PAYMENT OPTIONS DO YOUR OFFER? You will be given an invoice after your consultation or treatment on the dental visit. This can be paid by cash or electronic transfer to our NAB account with details as follows: Account Name : Wellness Mobile Dental Care BSB : 082 356 Account Number : 747 537 586
We also accept card payments through our EFTPOS Terminal provider.
Health Insurance Funds that support and recognise mobile preventative dentistry provided include the following: AAMI (NIB Group), AHM, APIA Health, Australian Unity, BUPA, CBHS Health, Defence Health, Doctors Health, Fund, GU HEalth, HCF, HCi, Health Partners, Honeysuckle Health, IMAN Health, Medibank, National Health Benefits Australia (onemedifund), Nurses & Midwives Health, Priceline Health Insurance (NIB Group), rt Health (a division of The Hospitals Contribution Fund, HCF Croup), Suncorp (NIB Group), Teachers Health, Transport Health (a division of The Hospitals Contribution Fund, HCF Croup), TUH and Uni Health.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) also does not cover dental treatment. We can work, however, with NDIS service providers to coordinate support and plan your care services. NDIS can fund assistance with traveland carers to attend dental visits.
As a private dental care provider, Wellness Mobile Dental Care do not receive public funding to treat Pension and Concession Card holders.
If eligible for the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS), part or the full cost of some basic dental services for children up to 17 years of age can be claimed through us. Contact us for enquiries or more information on CDBS or to check if your health fund manager supports or recognises our mobile dentistry services with us as provider.
DO YOUR DENTAL PRACTITIONERS HAVE A PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE? Our dental practitioners are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA). This can be verified via AHPRA website. Registrations are renewed each year. Individual professional indemnity and public liability insurance are required prior to registration. Each practitioner works within specified scope of practice and is committed to continuing education.
WILL PROOF OF A POLICE CHECK AND WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK BE PROVIDED BEFORE THE VISIT OF EACH PERSON ATTENDING OUR FACILITY AND CENTRE? Every dental practitioner of Wellness Mobile Dental Care has undergone a police check and holds an up-to-date Working with Children clearance. These can be provided upon request.